One destination at a time
Enjoy the view but don’t get distracted
Don’t lose your happiness in the process of making effort. If you have a destination that you look forward to reaching and in the meantime think of many other things you also want, you still have to maintain your focus and not become overwhelmed. Obstacles can come in the form of confusion. It’s like traveling on a train and looking out the window at all the other places you could be. Realise that what you are doing on the journey has its own value. You are not on the bigger journey to get distracted by side scenes - either positively or negatively. Any decision to work on the self will set you off on your own path. The test is really, can you stay the course. There is only one real authority in your life and that is you. You’re the one to decide. Ultimately you make effort for happiness and with happiness right? So don’t put it aside as you’re going along.