Volunteers - the backbone of service
Many times on the completion of our retreats we offer participants the opportunity to volunteer for future events or for outdoor help like gardening and maintenance. If you benefit from a service why not be an encouragement to others. Some have skills but may not have had the opportunity. Many have offered their services over the years and do so on a regular basis. Helping activity is often referred to as karma yoga as through the activity you learn to meditate while carrying out a task. Its a useful mindset to acquire and take back into your everyday life. If you’re plagued by incessant mental chatter this is a good way to relieve yourself of that habit.
Klig Akerly - a visiting volunteer from Canada
“My enthusiasm comes from a place of knowing who I am finally. - that I am a soul operating in and through this body. When I see anything from nature especially being a cook - seeing raw materials and creating a product gives intoxication about being a spiritual being and seeing how creative a soul really is.”